How To Adapt a Fairy Tale

Myths are great. We all know them, yet we’re constantly re-interpreting and re-imagining them in the fiction we create. Writers should steal from the best, so why not take inspiration from the stories that have survived for centuries? Look in any bookshop (especially the YA section) and you’ll find plenty of fairy tale retellings, and... Continue Reading →

Where Do You Get Your Ideas From?

The skin of my teeth, would be the answer lately. The ideas have not been flowing, and I’ve been feeling pretty blocked. I’ve been fairly busy over the summer, doing as much as I can before uni starts again. Competitions, blogs, anthologies, anything. But pretty much everything I've been working on has been for something. I've had... Continue Reading →

An Update

It’s been a little while since my last “update” post, and actually quite a lot has gone on since then. Last weekend I went up to Sheffield Film and Comic Con with my boyfriend Dale (in costume as Clara and the Eleventh Doctor!) and had an awesome time. My hands are a lot better than... Continue Reading →

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