Flash Fiction Challenge! (March 2019)

(Lightning? Because it's flash fiction, geddit?) I've been in a bit of a writing rut lately, so to get more ideas going I committed to posting a flash fiction every day for thirty days. Here is what I came up with... 1 The virus wiped out all high-functioning robots and supercomputers. 'Now we are free... Continue Reading →

Writing Advent Calendar 2018!

It's that time of year again! I'll be posting a prompt a day up until 24th December. See if any of these inspire a prose piece, a poem, a blog post, a drawing...? I'll be doing these too and will post some of my work up on Twitter (@GraceHaddon). Merry writing! The protagonist of the... Continue Reading →

The Ghost of the Haunted GCSE Biology Module

Written for the Creative Writing Ink Prompt for January 18th, which was to write a story inspired by this image. Photo belongs to Sydney Rae.   Maria first saw the dead girl during double science on a Thursday afternoon. Mr. Whittaker paced between the battered desks, handing out worksheets. Maria squidged her hands between her... Continue Reading →

How To Adapt a Fairy Tale

Myths are great. We all know them, yet we’re constantly re-interpreting and re-imagining them in the fiction we create. Writers should steal from the best, so why not take inspiration from the stories that have survived for centuries? Look in any bookshop (especially the YA section) and you’ll find plenty of fairy tale retellings, and... Continue Reading →

Two Thousand and – What?!

Missed me? It’s been a while since I’ve made a proper blog post, so apologies for that. The blog is likely to be quieter this year as I’m making a push to improve my writing habits and actually get things done. I graduate in May so the first half of this year is getting as... Continue Reading →

Writing Advent Calendar 2016!

It's that time of year again! For the past couple of Decembers, I've set myself a writing prompt challenge. Each day a new story writing idea, and twenty minutes to write something cool. It's surprisingly good for mining out new material, and quite often the stuff I end up with goes towards uni coursework, short... Continue Reading →

Where Do You Get Your Ideas From?

The skin of my teeth, would be the answer lately. The ideas have not been flowing, and I’ve been feeling pretty blocked. I’ve been fairly busy over the summer, doing as much as I can before uni starts again. Competitions, blogs, anthologies, anything. But pretty much everything I've been working on has been for something. I've had... Continue Reading →

How To Format Your Short Story

Writers don’t have it easy. Creating something purely from your imagination is an achievement in itself, but if you’re brave enough to send it out into the world then you have to be prepared for a lot of rejection. Of course, there’s a difference between an editor reading your work and deciding that it’s not... Continue Reading →

An Update

It’s been a little while since my last “update” post, and actually quite a lot has gone on since then. Last weekend I went up to Sheffield Film and Comic Con with my boyfriend Dale (in costume as Clara and the Eleventh Doctor!) and had an awesome time. My hands are a lot better than... Continue Reading →

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