I’m Back!

It’s been a little while since I updated the blog so I thought I’d post a general update. Since my last post, COVID happened, I changed jobs, got glasses and dyed part of my hair green. I’ve also been dabbling in learning some new skills: I can draw a little, twirl a (plastic) sword, and even do a bit of ventriloquism. (My family are thrilled, naturally.)

I haven’t been posting much online but I’m still working on Hero (draft 7 now – but I have a good feeling about it). I also have ideas for two other novels, both of which play with tropes of their subgenre. I’m thinking that trope-busting might be part of my brand as a novelist; what gets me excited about a project is “what about this format except this happens?”.

My partner Dale has put out the sub call for WI4C’s next anthology, and I’m super excited to be working on it with him. Don’t Get Caught! is open for submissions until 10th July and proceeds will go to a local charity (TBC). Have a look at the website and please spread the word!

This year I’ve got back into reading. There’s something satisfying about seeing your Goodreads numbers go up, and I’ve started a shelf of books for each writing project, like a literary Pinterest board of inspiration. I finally read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and enjoyed it very much, and I’m currently working my way through the Chronicles of Narnia series. Can’t write a fantasy parody without reading the classics.

As you may have noticed, the website has had a new coat of paint – specifically, green paint. I’ve revamped the short stories page and tidied things up, and where a couple of older works had become unavailable I’ve reposted them to the site in case you’d like to read them. There’s even a site logo now!

I may experiment with the blog a bit; I’d like to incorporate some of my love of video games, Marvel, 80s Doctor Who, etc. Perhaps I’ll recommend some books. We’ll see. Coming back online feels like coming out of hibernation, but I’m excited to be back in the world again. At the moment I’m mostly active on my Twitter, though I’ll also be posting on my Instagram now and then.

Have a look at the sub call and hope to see you around!


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